Thursday, March 19, 2020

Journal About Working People Example

Journal About Working People Example Journal About Working People – Coursework Example Issues facing working people today It is difficult to deny the fact that workers are facing challenges. This however is not the great depression, but it is a period that needs to be distinguished from any other in various ways. The first being that the challenges are simply coming on multiple fonts and the second is that the public is not seeing the problems being solved.Lack of enough jobsLack of enough work is perhaps the major problem that today’s workers are facing. Nationally, today’s unemployment rate remains just above the comfort level without adding those who work only part-time and those who have been discouraged and they are no longer counted in the statistics of workforce (Atkinson 23).Security and living standardsWorking people’s lives manifests these in various ways. It is obvious that with rising prices and stagnant incomes quality of people’s life declines. Financial emergencies have become so common today such that it becomes hard for many workers to budget which is also reflected in security.Retirement anxietyRetirement, as it is, is not a total bust, and to them who are working and wondering when they are likely to stop working it’s still not a party. Many workers during the hard times economically have seen their pays freeze, and others cut, which makes it hard for many workers to get ahead or even keep up.Home valuesHousing crisis compounds the problems faced by working Americans. Most asset-holding middle-class families have recently seen the asset valued most to them fall precipitously in value. For example, Data retrieved from the Federal Reserve indicate that home equity that is relative to income in March 2014 dropped by 5 percent which is the largest drop of its kind on record in comparison to a quarter earlier (Atkinson 17).Bad bossesAnother reason that makes jobs disappointing is the boss. One in almost every two employee admits to have suffered under a boss who is unreasonable. Some of them deal w ith it by trying to make the situation better or just decide to suffer through it. But others decide to quit when they are lined up for a new job or just immediately which is a big disruptive cost to any economy.Atkinson, Anthony B. The EU and social inclusion: Facing the challenges. New York: Policy Press, 2009. Print. Journal About Working People Example Journal About Working People – Coursework Example Journal about Working People Among the other problems faced by working people, recent studies indicate that individuals belonging to ethnic minorities face extreme bullying and counterproductive behaviors as compared to others which creates a discouraging job environment. A research is conducted on this issue by using the sample of skill migrant job seekers in Australia. The literature review on this challenge suggests that skillful migrants face issues throughout from getting jobs to sustaining workplace discrimination and counterproductive behaviors. They initially encounter problems to find a job which matches their skills, education and offers sufficient wages. Cultural adjustment is a challenging task for migrant as it creates hurdles in making their place in the Australian workforce. This discriminating, bullying attitude affects their performance. A pilot research was conducted on various participants to study this problem. The pilot research stated that people who wanted to j oin the Australian workforce had to learn communication skills which matches the culture and gain job seeking skills to help in finding job of their interest. They learned that in Australia one needs to explain the matter in detail before asking anything as compared to Singapore where to the point discussion is preferred. They also face adjustment and discrimination issues at workplace. However, it was observed that migrant workers are more willing to adjust and adapt to the culture. They learn quickly which helps them in fitting into the job environment. Moreover, it is suggested that more research should be conducted to realize the experiences and problems of migrant working people. ReferenceRamsay, Sheryl Gai, Michelle Carmel Barker, and Linda Shallcross. "Counter-productive forces at work: Challenges faced by skilled migrant job-seekers." (2008). Journal About Working People Example Journal About Working People – Coursework Example FACTORS FACING WORKING PEOPLE TODAY There are several issues affecting working people today, both socially and economically. Working Conditions This is a very common factor affecting workers today globally. Most workers are subjected to unworthy working environment hence affecting their productivity. This can be due to poor management or laxity in the part of the administration to provide its workers with good environment. Lately, a lot of human right organizations are trying to fight for workers in order to curb this problem. A good example is a situation where people work in mines without safety tools like helmets which in turn endanger the lives of the workers.Low Pay or UnderpayMany workers are not paid the amount of wages or salaries they deserve, this in turn demoralizes them and their productivity goes down. A lot of cases have been reported lately about workers going on strike due to poor pay. This implies that most workers are facing this issue across the globe.Change in Tec hnologyTechnology is moving very fast and due to this, most workers who were employed before a lot of changes in technology are forced to adjust to the new technology or else they risk losing their jobs. Due to technology also, some working people have been forced to lose their jobs to pave way to the so called Artificially Intelligent Machines which now act in place of humans.InsecurityThis is affecting workers who work within areas that are prone to terror attacks and other violent attacks. Recently, some employees have been forced to flee their places of work due to insecurity. As a result of these, workers live in fear which in turn affects their productivity. Cultural and Religious DifferencesWorkers who are subjected to this issue are forced to choose whether to change their cultural/religious beliefs to suit their working environment or quit their job. This happens when an employee is posted to work away from his/her locality.SourceFriedman, Eric. 4 External Factors That Affe ct Human Resource Management. Blogging4Jobs. N.p., 2013. Web. 26 Apr. 2015.

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