In George Orwells 1984 we find ourselves reading about a mentally, physically, and emotionally oppressed order. The main character Winston Smith is a 39 year old citizen of Oceania. Oceania is controlled by one man, large Brother. The party controls allthing, from what they eat to what they wear and even what they think. The party watches their any move. They watch them using telescreens located almost eitherwhere. They are implement to detect any rebellious behavior. The telescreens also broadcast countersign and the two minute hate given by big(p) Brother, in which he brainwashes citizens into thinking what he is doing is good. Winston works in the Ministry of Truth, where their work is to create new simpler words and lessen the citizens vocabulary. He disgusted in the society he lives barely Winston has no choice but to give in to the artful mind control of Big Brother. As a citizen of Oceania you were obligate to survey the rules and any sign of thoughtcrime wa s punished and your name was outside from the registers, incessantlyy record of e very(prenominal)thing you had ever done was wiped out, your one-time existence was denied and therefore forgotten. You were abolished, eradicate: vaporized was the usual word (19).Winston commits several thoughtcrimes end-to-end the novel. The commencement is buying and writing in a diary.

In this society no one is allowed to write down thought, a apportion less say them. It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts crush when you were in any public place or doubtful down range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A noisome tic, an unconscious lo! ok of anxiety, a habit of grumbling to yourself--anything that carried with it the hint of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper pattern on your face...; was itself a punishable offense(62). In a gentlemans gentleman where one person controls everything the last thing you ever regard to do is let that person control your emotions. Winston and Julia were very narrow in hiding...If you want to get a ripe essay, ordinance it on our website:
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